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Greater Faith A.M.E. Zion Church

   The Meaning of the A.M.E. Zion Church Logo


On August 2, 1984, at the 42nd General Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, the A.M.E. Zion Church adopted an official denominational logo.  The Rev. Dr. Percy Smith, Jr., a Zion minister, created the logo's design and interpretation. 

The Triangle:  Representing the Godhead in this equilateral triangle is the Holy Trinity - the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

The Ecclesiastical Color:  The colors of the logo suggest the mood of a church festival.  Within recent years, the interpretation of black has changed to encompass a texture of the whole life.  All colors blending and melting together signify joy, sadness, struggle, faith, hope and finally, eternal life. 

V:  The widely used symbol for victory represents a church born victoriously under the leadership of James Varick, our first Bishop.  V also represents Varick. 

Latin Cross:  One of the most accepted symbols of Christianity, this plain and empty cross alerts the world to the reality that "He is not here, He is risen victoriously." 

Red Cross:  It symbolizes power, love, glory and honor and is associated with our Lord's passion and suffering and the Christian's zeal. 

A-African:  This refers to our African background.  It is in black and suggests that Africa is the cradle of civilization from whence came all races and colors. 

M-Methodist:  This refers to the doctrine about God and Christ to which we adhere.  It is in green, the universal color of growth, progress and hope. 

E-Episcopal:  This means that we are a church overseen by Bishops.  Purple, so often worn by our Episcopate, denotes kingly authority in Godly judgment. 

Z-Zion:  God's Holy Hill stands for our branch of Methodism, which is a separate entity from the A.M.E., C.M.E., and M.E. Churches.  The color blue is symbolic of heaven and sincerity. 

Source:  The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church:  A Bicentennial Commemorative History, by Bishop James Clinton Hoggard.